Mastering Your Mindset


By: Dibakar Bose

ISBN: 9788119368648

Category: SELF-HELP / Personal Growth / Memory Improvement

Delivery Time: 7-9 Days

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The most potent force at your disposal is your own intellect. The manner in which an individual conceptualizes or perceives the world will ultimately shape the trajectory and quality of their life. The human mind possesses boundless potential. This literary work aims to impart the skills necessary for developing independent critical thinking, so as to resist being influenced or manipulated by the thoughts and ideas of others. The module aims to educate individuals on the process of thought generation, manifestation, and their influence in shaping behavioral outcomes. You have the ability and determination to emancipate yourself from the influence of others and assert control over your own thoughts. You will develop the ability to think critically and independently, leading to personal growth and benefit.


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