
By: Williamsji Maveli

ISBN: 9788119368044

Category: LPOETRY / Anthologies (multiple authors)

Delivery Time: 7-9 Days

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The most valuable thing about a review of a book of poetry is its potential to deepen the reader’s experience of the work under consideration. The thoughts and insights of a perceptive, educated, interested writer who has spent a significant amount of time with the poetry can be of great help to someone who is new to the poetry. Poetry is a form of art to depict the realities in life. it is the mythical illusion in which exceptional passion is given to the expression of feelings and ideas by the use of unique style and rhythm. Imagination is the ability of the mind to be creative or resourceful and can be active without worries, such as fearing something, for every word has its own meaning, detached from the actual word it’s described in each and every poem of this book of review and analysis.


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