The Lost Book: सराबोर सरोवर


By: Dr. Ratna K Mishra

ISBN: 9788119368488

Category: POETRY / General

Delivery Time: 7-9 Days

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“THE LOST BOOK सराबोर सरोवर” is an epic, an essential anthology with novelistic gist, which would massively influence the readers psyche to streamline the scattered energy in the process. “The Lost Book” is procured in a way that it attracts people to celebrate together the life. Even with understanding of all three languages used, with thousand of different interpretations, it would be thousand books in total but I bet even partial understanding would be surreal and total. This is how it is made into an every individual’s fable, every families’ lullaby! It begins with friends and asks to bond more, celebrate more the wonder show that life is. If one whose keen inspiration remains linguistic pinnacles of research and recitation, then they ought to celebrate “knowing” THE LOST BOOK together with their friends. “The Lost Book” is a novelia, containing philosophical monologues, decorated with sixty six poems in Nepali, eleven poems in Hindi and seventy seven verses in English too. The understanding of complete manual shall enable one to witness the truth to thrive with freedom and bliss. “The Lost Book” has Adagio Christian’s and Azaan’s original manuscript assembled into. Azaan has this monologue in English, Christian creates these verses in devnagari and Tabassum Ben concocts सराबोर सरोवर about how a spy surrenders patriotism to serve power in adverse circumstances of authority, just to realise a friends good, old wish. ‘The Lost Book’ is the pure love. In an era of linguistic hegemony and chaos, to establish all languages uniquely and coalesced presicely ‘The Lost Book सराबोर सरोवर’ needs to be found.


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